Mobile Home Installer

Component and Product Approval

Section 320.8251, Florida Statutes (F. S.), provides that the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall certify and approve in this state any mobile/manufactured home installation component, product, or system. In this document, you may retrieve copies of relevant documents regarding the certification of mobile/manufactured home installation components or products by clicking on the name of the document.

The following requirements must be met in order to obtain a certification:

  • A report certifying that the installation component, product or system meets the departments uniformed installation standards provided in Rule Chapter 15C-1, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This administrative Rule Chapter also specifies the essential testing protocols necessary for certifying a mobile/ manufactured home installation component or product. There are also example testing protocols, however, particular products may require testing protocols that differ somewhat from these examples.
  • The report must be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered with the State of Florida.
  • No installation component, product or system may be approved unless its performance is documented by sound engineering testing.

To apply for certification of a mobile/manufactured home installation component or product, a company must complete an Application for Mobile/Manufactured Home Installation Component or Product Certification and send it to the Mobile/ Manufactured Home Installer Program Office, the address of which appears on the bottom of the form. Upon receipt of the application form Installer Program staff will contact the company to schedule the necessary testing which must be observed by Installer Program staff.

A list of mobile/manufactured home installation components and products that have been certified is also available.

Note: The certification provided for in Section 320. 8251, F.S., may be subject to suspension or revocation if the department finds that the person or entity has obtained the certification by misrepresentation or fraud or that the component, product or system does not meet the uniform mobile/manufacturer home installation standards provided in Rule Chapter 15C-1, F.A.C. Any person or entity who obtains certification of a mobile/ manufactured home component or product by misrepresentation or fraud is subject to a fine.

Any questions you may have about the mobile/manufactured home installation component or product certification process will be answered if you contact the following Office:

Mobile/Manufactured Home Installer Program Office
NET PARK, Suite 2228
5701 East Hillsborough Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33610
Telephone: (813) 612-7150