Florida Highway Patrol
About FHP

FHP Director Colonel Gary L. Howze
The FHP strives to achieve our core values of courtesy, service and protection. It is our job to help ensure the safety and welfare of millions of Florida’s residents and visitors each day.
The Florida Highway Patrol is authorized for 1,982 sworn positions and 503 non-sworn positions for a total of 2,485 full time employees. The majority of those sworn positions are assigned to Patrol Operations.
In addition to Patrol Operations, the Florida Highway Patrol has many specialized areas. The Office of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement conducts data driven enforcement and educational programs to improve the safety of commercial motor vehicles. The Criminal Interdiction Unit consists of specially trained troopers that are strategically assigned throughout the state in order to interdict criminal activity. The Bureau of Criminal Investigations and Intelligence includes specific programmatic areas related to organized crime, terrorism, domestic security, gangs, criminal interdiction, dignitary protection, critical infrastructure protection, and biometric recognition and analysis. Additional specialized areas include recruitment, public affairs, honor guard, aviation, and more.

Dave Kerner, Executive Director