Authorized Service Providers
Electronic Filing System
Electronic Filing System
The Electronic Filing System (EFS) provides a means for agents (primarily licensed dealers) to perform Tax Collector and Division of Motorist Services transactions related to motor vehicle title and registration issuance. The system provides users real time access to vehicle, registration and title information from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) and grants them access to real time transaction processing of title and registration applications. The system will also generate the appropriate FLHSMV documents, including the vehicle registration, form HSMV 82041 Application for Certificate of Title and in some cases even the title certificate (printed from Tallahassee).
The Tax Collector is responsible for reviewing and approving EFS title and registration transactions processed by participating EFS agents. Service providers, service provider employees, EFS agents and EFS agent employees will be entered and tracked in the EFS system.
Dealer and other organizations wishing to participate should contact one of the certified service providers listed below.
Certified Service Providers
Additional Resources
- Florida Tax Collectors
- Florida Administrative Weekly
- Approved EFS Rules
- Application to Become an Authorized EFS Agent/Change of Certified Service Provider (HSMV Form 82083)
Dave Kerner, Executive Director