A safer florida


What is the A Safer Florida Initiative?

The A Safer Florida Initiative, developed by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), aims to work with the public to identify behaviors that can lead to dangerous driving and impact public safety.

FLHSMV gathers data from crash reports and uniform traffic citations (UTC). However, many traffic citations or crashes are the result of dangerous driving behavior. By analyzing the data related to these behaviors, FLHSMV hopes to enhance public education and focus on critical elements that can have a negative impact on public safety. FLHSMV will then have both the cause and the effect of dangerous and risky driving behavior.

How will FLHSMV collect information from the public?

After publicly announcing the initiative, FLHSMV will direct interested citizens to the A Safer Florida webpage to participate in an anonymous survey on a current FLHSMV public safety campaign. The FLHSMV Office of Performance Measurement will gather the survey results, which will then be incorporated into the department’s current data collection database. The results will be open to the public and available on the A Safer Florida webpage.

How will FLHSMV use the information that is collected?

By combining the information from the public surveys with collected data from crash and citation statistics, FLHSMV will determine the level of focus required to educate and raise awareness of certain dangerous driving behaviors. FLHSMV will not retain or collect a participants personally Identifiable information (PII). All surveys are anonymous.

What is the length of time for participation?

The A Safer Florida Initiative is intended to serve as a public safety resource to educate and raise public awareness. It will be available monthly and focus on various public safety-related topics. The initiative will evolve and expand over time.

Why should I participate?

The A Safer Florida Initiative provides personalized information not only based on crash or ticket data. For example, if someone receives a speeding ticket, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the only time they’ve driven over the speed limit. By providing input, you help FLHSMV focus on behaviors to provide the public with better resources and education, promoting safe and responsible choices and helping to avoid risky behaviors that endanger everyone’s safety.

A safer Florida